How Long Should I Stay Inside a Hot Tub For?

Hot tubs have long been heralded for their many health benefits. You can sleep better, alleviate aches and pains, and spend time with friends and family. While the temptation to stay in your hot tub for hours on end may be strong, there are a few tips you should keep in mind for your health.
When you first start using your tub, you may have a lower tolerance than you would like to believe. Start with short periods of time in the tub (about 20 minutes) and increase your time in the water as you start to grow accustomed to the heat.
Listen to Your Body
If you feel at any time that you are dizzy, or lightheaded, it may be time to (safely) exit the tub. These can be early signs of dehydration. Take a break in the shade and allow your body temperature to come back to normal. Alternating where you sit in the tub is also a great way to ensure you do not become overheated. Allowing your upper body to be out of the water for short increments helps to prevent discomfort.
Keep Your Tub Comfortable
Many hot tubs now include personalized temperature control. This allows you to keep your home spa at a comfortable temperature, while still being able to enjoy all the benefits it has to offer. The use of a hot tub cover can aid in keeping your hot tub at the perfect temperature. Using a cover can also ensure that your home spa is ready to enjoy at any moment, without having to worry about nature making its way inside.
Family Friendly
Children should be encouraged to also enjoy the hot tub and reap the same health benefits as an adult would. Ensure that the temperature is lower, roughly 98°F, and for no longer than 15-20 minutes at a time. In doing this, invest in a booster seat, so that your child’s upper torso is out of the water for the majority of the time. This contributes to slower heating of the core temperature, and less chance of dehydration.
Hydrate Often
Keep a cooler handy. Having some of your favorite cold beverages (non-alcoholic of course) on hand is a great way to keep dehydration at bay. Remain hydrated while in your home spa.
Overall, hot tubs are a safe and effective way in which to benefit your health and wellness. They can be used to bring your family together, and to unplug from the crazy world around you. Most experts recommend adults sit for not longer than one hour in their hot tub. Children’s time in the hot tub should be less. Listen to your body as you enjoy the benefits and consider speaking to a health professional before you take a dip.
Vintage Hot Tubs
Vintage Hot Tubs offer anything but vintage models! At our two locations in Victoria, and in Langford, we believe in modern, efficient and stylish solutions to your hot tub needs. Originally, Vintage Hot Tubs got started in the business by handcrafting their own redwood and cedar home spas. This has led us to truly understand great customer service, as well as what makes for a great soaking solution. Whether you are new to hot tubs, or looking to upgrade, our friendly staff can assist you. Offering competitive hot tub pricing, as well as accessories, we can’t wait to get you soaking! Our blog is another way to access our services and information!