Have you ever seen the Aurora Borealis, also known as the Northern Lights? If you have, it’s a memory you will never forget. It’s breathtaking to watch the Aurora's light trails transition color as they gracefully dance across the silence of the night sky. When you order the Northern Light Package™ (NLP) on a Nordic Hot Tub, you will be able to experience the colors of the Aurora while relaxing in the comfort of your hot tub. Our NLP™ LED lights gently transition through all the colors found in the Aurora. The Northern Light Package™ is available in the D’Amour, Stella, Retreat, Escape, Jubilee, Encore and Rendezvous models. NLP™ is an optional upgrade in the “All In” 110V and Modern Series but comes standard in the Sports Edition and Luxury Series.
Our Nordic PURE™ is a combination of ozone (O3) and UV-C technologies. This 3-step process has more sanitizing power, less hassle, and significantly reduces residual chlorine consumption to deliver the most advanced sanitation potential available.
Our Nordic Clean™ is an electronic corona discharge ozonator. It converts oxygen to ozone, is more energy efficient than UV ozone generators and is lower in overall power consumption, heat generation and operating cost.
Tues - Sat: 9 AM - 5 PM
Sun & Mon: Closed